

Paul D. Schreuders










Chapters in Books

  1. Schreuders, P.D., Diller, K.R., Beaman, J., Paynter, H., and Clark, D., "Kinetic Analysis of Coupled Interstitial Multicomponent Diffusion", in Network Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer in Biotechnology, K.R. Diller, ed., ASME, New York, (1987), 79-84.

Refereed Publications

  1. von Recum, A., Yan, J., Schreuders, P.D., and Powers, D. "Basic Healing Phenomena Around Permanent Percutaneous Implants," Proceedings of an International Congress on Tissue Integration in Oral and Maxillo-Facial Reconstruction, Brussels Belgium, May 22-24, (1985) in D. van Steenburghe Ed., Current Clinical Practice Series, 29, Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, (1986), 159-172.
  2. Schreuders, P.D., Salthouse, T., and von Recum, A., "Normal Wound Healing Compared to Healing Within Porous Dacron Implants," Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 22, (1988) 121-135.
  3. Mazur, P., Cole, K.W., Hall, J.W., Schreuders, P.D., and Mahowald, A.P. "Cryobiological Preservation of Drosophila Embryos," Science, 258, (1992), 1932-1935.
  4. Mazur, P., Cole, K.W., Schreuders, P.D., and Mahowald, A.P., "Contributions of Cooling and Warming Rate and Developmental Stage to the Survival of Drosophila Embryos Cooled to -205°C," Cryobiology, 30, (1993), 45-73.
  5. Schreuders, P.D. and Mazur, P., "Vitrification-Based Cryopreservation of Drosophila Embryos," Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 39, (1993), 2031-2038.
  6. Schreuders, P.D., Diller, K.R, Beaman, J.J., and Paynter, H.M., "An Analysis of Coupled Multi-Component Diffusion in Interstitial Tissue," Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 116, May, (1994), 164-171.
  7. Schreuders, P.D., Kassis, J.N., Schneider, U., Mahowald, A.P., and Mazur, P., "The Kinetics of Drosophila Embryo Drying as Function of the Steps in Permeabilization: Experimental, Journal of Insect Physiology, 42 (1996), 501-516.
  8. Schreuders, P.D., Kassis, J.N., and Mazur, P., "The Kinetics of Drosophila Embryo Drying as Function of the Steps in Permeabilization: Theoretical," Journal of Insect Physiology, 42 (1996), 603-615.
  9. Schreuders, P.D., Smith, E.D., Cole, K.W., Valencia, M.d.P, and Mazur, P. "The Characterization of Intraembryonic Freezing in Anopheles gambiae Embryos" Cryobiology, 33, (1996), 487-501.
  10. Schreuders, P.D. and Johnson, A.T., "Sprints vs. Marathons: Two Potential Structures for Assigning Engineering Design Projects," Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education, Paper #1086, (1998). (refereed)
  11. Schreuders, P.D. and Johnson, A., "An Alternate Presentation Method for Final Examinations," Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education, Paper #0014, (1999). (refereed)
  12. Johnson A.T. and Schreuders, P.D., "Teaching Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems," International Journal of Engineering Education, 15, (1999), 249-255.
  13. Schreuders, P.D. and Johnson, A., "A Systems Approach for Bioengineering," International Journal of Engineering Education, 15, (1999), 243-248.
  14. Schreuders, P.D. and Lomander, A., "A Living Laboratory: The Maryland Crayfish Project," Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education, Paper #0065 (2000). (refereed)
  15. Jenkins-Keeran, K., Schreuders, P.D., K., Edwards, and Woods, III, L.C., "The effects of oxygen on the short term storage of striped bass semen," North American Journal of Aquaculture, 63, (2001), 238-241.
  16. Lomander, A., Schreuders, P.D., Russek-Cohen, E., and Ali, L., "A Method for Rapid Analysis of Biofilm Morphology and Coverage on Glass and Polished and Brushed Stainless Steel," Transactions of the ASAE, 45 (2), (2002), 479-487.
  17. Schreuders, P.D. and Johnson, A.T., "The Wizard of BOD," Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education, Paper #1765, (2002). (refereed)
  18. Schreuders, P.D., Blersch, D., Lomander, A., Koh, F., Reddy, P., and Danzy, D., "An Ecological Engineering Project for Combined Undergraduate and Graduate Classes," International Journal of Engineering Education, 18 (5), (2002) 607-615.
  19. Johnson, A.T. and Schreuders, P.D., "Bringing Life to Engineering: Biological Engineering at the Graduate Level," European Journal of Engineering Education, 28, (1), 2003, 37-46.
  20. Okelo, P.O., Carr, L.E., Harrison, P.C., Douglass, L.W., Byrd, V.E., Wabeck, C.W., Schreuders, P.D., Wheaton, F.W., "Effectiveness of Novel Methods to Reduce Heat Stress in Broilers: Chilled and Carbonated Drinking Water," Transactions of the ASAE, 46, (2), 2003, 453-460.
  21. Schreuders, P.D., Azadi, N., Bennett, L., Choudhary, S., Congdon, J., and Ratino, M., "Control Systems in Designing and Programming a Robotic Ant," Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education, (2003). (refereed)
  22. Okelo, P.O., Carr, L.E., Harrison, P.C., Douglass, L.W., Byrd, V.E., Wabeck, C.W., Schreuders, P.D., Wheaton, F.W., Zimmerman, N., "Effectiveness of a Novel Method to Reduce Heat Stress in Broilers: A Cool Roost System," Transactions of the ASAE, 46, (6), 2003, 1675-1683.
  23. Lomander, A., Schreuders, P.D., Russek-Cohen, E., and Ali, L., "Evaluation of Chlorines’ Impact on Biofilms on Damaged Stainless Steel Surfaces," Bioresource Technology, 94, (3) 2004, 275-283.
  24. Schreuders, P.D., Nagoda, C., Lomander, A., Gipson, G., Rebar, J., and Cheng X., "Creation of a Virtual Aquatic Mesocosm Using STELLA®," Transactions of the ASAE, 47, (6), 2004, 2123-2135.
  25. Schreuders, P.D., Rutherford, B., Cox, K., Mannon, S.,Gender Differences in Biological Engineering Students,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Meeting. In press.

Other Articles

  1. Schreuders, P.D., Extracellular Matrix Within Dacron® Velour Implants, Thesis, Department of Bioengineering, Clemson University, (1985).
  2. Schreuders, P.D., Development and Verification of a Kinetic Model for Multicomponent Diffusion in Biological Systems, Dissertation, Program in Biomedical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, (1989).
  3. Cole, K.W., Schreuders, P.D., Mahowald, A.P., and Mazur, P., "Procedure for the Permeabilization and Cryobiological Preservation of Drosophila Embryos," Oak Ridge National Laboratories, Technical Manual #12394, (1993).
  4. Schreuders, P.D. and Cahoon, S. "How to Run a Happy and Productive Kitchen"," Tournaments Illuminated, 110, Spring, (1994).
  5. Ross, D.S. and Schreuders, P.D., "Fertilization Systems — Use Them More Efficiently Through Calibration," The Free State Nursery News, August, (1997), 32-37.
  6. Schreuders, P.D. and Townsend, P., Synergy: Biological Resources Engineering Graduate Studies, (1997).
  7. Ross, D.S. and Schreuders, P.D., "Fertilization Systems — Use Them More Efficiently Through Calibration," Biological Resources Engineering Facts #190, August, (1997).
  8. Schreuders, P.D. "Graduate Manual," Biological Resources Engineering Department, August, (1998).
  9. Schreuders, P.D., "Department of Biological Resources Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park," Peterson’s Graduate Program’s in Engineering and Applied Sciences, Peterson’s, Princeton, New Jersey, (1998), pp. 360, 435-436, 536.
  10. Schreuders, P.D., "Department of Biological Resources Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park," The AIMBE Newsletter, (1998), 8.
  11. Edwards, K. and Schreuders, P.D., "Modeling of mass transfer during cryopreservation," IBE News, (1999).
  12. Jones, T. and Schreuders, P.D., "Crayfish Respiration in a Closed System," Journal of Undergraduate Research, (1999).
  13. Schreuders, P.D., Brannan, R., Chin, H., Jones-Quaidoo, S., Powell, S. "Bringing a Systems Approach to the Classroom ­ Creating a Self-sustaining Crayfish Habitat" Biological Resources Engineering Facts #191, September (2000).
  14. Schreuders, P.D., "Striking Colors," The Bead Release, viii, (2) (2002), 14.
  15. Schreuders, P.D., "Those Viscous Temperatures: Annealing, Strain, Softening, and Working," The Bead Release, x, (1), (2003), 14-15.
  16. Schreuders, P.D., "De Arte Vitraria - The Art of Glass,"(Book Review) The Bead Release, x, (2), (2003) 24.
  17. Fu, Y., Schreuders, P.D., Lomander, A., Lee, S.J., "Biofilms: What are They and Why are They of Concern?," IBE News, 8, (1), (2004), 12-13.

Conference Proceedings

  1. Schreuders, P.D. and Diller, K., “Multicomponent Cell Membrane Diffusion: A Kinetic Approach,” Digest of Papers, 7th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, Greenville, SC, October 27 - 28, (1988), 148-51.
  2. Okelo, P.O., Carr, L.E., Schreuders, P.D., Wheaton, F.W., Douglass, L,W., Zimmermann, N., Wabeck, C.W., Byrd, V.E., and Harrison, P.C., “Effectiveness of Using Cool Roost, Cool and Carbonated Drinking Water to Relieve Heat Stress in Broilers,” ASAE Annual International Meeting, Orlando Florida, July 12 - 16, (1998).
  3. Lea-Cox, J.D., Teffeau, K.M., Ross, D.S., Schreuders, P.D., and Varley, E.N., “Web-Based Educational Programs for Water and Nutrient Management Planning and Implementation,” Southern Nurserymen’s Association Research Conference, 44:1 (1999), 279-282.
  4. Teffeau, K.M., Lea-Cox, J.D., Ross, D.S., Schreuders, P.D., and Varley, E.N., “Computer Use and Access by Maryland’s Nursery and Greenhouse Crop Producers,” Southern Nurserymen’s Association Research Conference, 44:1 (1999), 276-278.
  5. Su, X., Yingli Fu, Y., Becker, J., Schreuders, P.D., and Montas, H., “Modeling Sequential Electron Acceptors in Bioremediation,” ASAE Annual International Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, July 27 - 30, (2003).

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