Chapters in Books
- Schreuders, P.D., Diller, K.R., Beaman, J., Paynter, H., and
Clark, D., "Kinetic Analysis of Coupled Interstitial Multicomponent
Diffusion", in Network Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer in
Biotechnology, K.R. Diller, ed., ASME, New York, (1987), 79-84.
Refereed Publications
- von Recum, A., Yan, J., Schreuders, P.D., and Powers, D. "Basic
Healing Phenomena Around Permanent Percutaneous Implants," Proceedings
of an International Congress on Tissue Integration in Oral and Maxillo-Facial
Reconstruction, Brussels Belgium, May 22-24, (1985) in D. van Steenburghe
Ed., Current Clinical Practice Series, 29, Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam,
(1986), 159-172.
- Schreuders, P.D., Salthouse, T., and von Recum, A., "Normal
Wound Healing Compared to Healing Within Porous Dacron Implants,"
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 22, (1988) 121-135.
- Mazur, P., Cole, K.W., Hall, J.W., Schreuders, P.D., and Mahowald,
A.P. "Cryobiological Preservation of Drosophila Embryos,"
Science, 258, (1992), 1932-1935.
- Mazur, P., Cole, K.W., Schreuders, P.D., and Mahowald, A.P.,
"Contributions of Cooling and Warming Rate and Developmental Stage
to the Survival of Drosophila Embryos Cooled to -205°C,"
Cryobiology, 30, (1993), 45-73.
- Schreuders, P.D. and Mazur, P., "Vitrification-Based Cryopreservation
of Drosophila Embryos," Advances in Cryogenic Engineering,
39, (1993), 2031-2038.
- Schreuders, P.D., Diller, K.R, Beaman, J.J., and Paynter, H.M.,
"An Analysis of Coupled Multi-Component Diffusion in Interstitial
Tissue," Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 116, May,
(1994), 164-171.
- Schreuders, P.D., Kassis, J.N., Schneider, U., Mahowald, A.P.,
and Mazur, P., "The Kinetics of Drosophila Embryo Drying
as Function of the Steps in Permeabilization: Experimental, Journal
of Insect Physiology, 42 (1996), 501-516.
- Schreuders, P.D., Kassis, J.N., and Mazur, P., "The Kinetics
of Drosophila Embryo Drying as Function of the Steps in Permeabilization:
Theoretical," Journal of Insect Physiology, 42 (1996), 603-615.
- Schreuders, P.D., Smith, E.D., Cole, K.W., Valencia, M.d.P,
and Mazur, P. "The Characterization of Intraembryonic Freezing
in Anopheles gambiae Embryos" Cryobiology, 33, (1996),
- Schreuders, P.D. and Johnson, A.T., "Sprints vs. Marathons:
Two Potential Structures for Assigning Engineering Design Projects,"
Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education,
Paper #1086, (1998). (refereed)
- Schreuders, P.D. and Johnson, A., "An Alternate Presentation
Method for Final Examinations," Proceedings of the American
Society for Engineering Education, Paper #0014, (1999). (refereed)
- Johnson A.T. and Schreuders, P.D., "Teaching Transport
Phenomena in Biological Systems," International Journal of Engineering
Education, 15, (1999), 249-255.
- Schreuders, P.D. and Johnson, A., "A Systems Approach
for Bioengineering," International Journal of Engineering Education,
15, (1999), 243-248.
- Schreuders, P.D. and Lomander, A., "A Living Laboratory:
The Maryland Crayfish Project," Proceedings of the American
Society for Engineering Education, Paper #0065 (2000). (refereed)
- Jenkins-Keeran, K., Schreuders, P.D., K., Edwards, and Woods,
III, L.C., "The effects of oxygen on the short term storage of
striped bass semen," North American Journal of Aquaculture,
63, (2001), 238-241.
- Lomander, A., Schreuders, P.D., Russek-Cohen, E., and Ali,
L., "A Method for Rapid Analysis of Biofilm Morphology and Coverage
on Glass and Polished and Brushed Stainless Steel," Transactions
of the ASAE, 45 (2), (2002), 479-487.
- Schreuders, P.D. and Johnson, A.T., "The Wizard of BOD,"
Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education,
Paper #1765, (2002). (refereed)
- Schreuders, P.D., Blersch, D., Lomander, A., Koh, F., Reddy,
P., and Danzy, D., "An Ecological Engineering Project for Combined
Undergraduate and Graduate Classes," International Journal of
Engineering Education, 18 (5), (2002) 607-615.
- Johnson, A.T. and Schreuders, P.D., "Bringing Life to
Engineering: Biological Engineering at the Graduate Level," European
Journal of Engineering Education, 28, (1), 2003, 37-46.
- Okelo, P.O., Carr, L.E., Harrison, P.C., Douglass, L.W., Byrd, V.E.,
Wabeck, C.W., Schreuders, P.D., Wheaton, F.W., "Effectiveness
of Novel Methods to Reduce Heat Stress in Broilers: Chilled and Carbonated
Drinking Water," Transactions of the ASAE, 46, (2), 2003,
- Schreuders, P.D., Azadi, N., Bennett, L., Choudhary, S., Congdon,
J., and Ratino, M., "Control Systems in Designing and Programming
a Robotic Ant," Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering
Education, (2003). (refereed)
- Okelo, P.O., Carr, L.E., Harrison, P.C., Douglass, L.W., Byrd, V.E.,
Wabeck, C.W., Schreuders, P.D., Wheaton, F.W., Zimmerman, N.,
"Effectiveness of a Novel Method to Reduce Heat Stress in Broilers:
A Cool Roost System," Transactions of the ASAE, 46, (6),
2003, 1675-1683.
- Lomander, A., Schreuders, P.D., Russek-Cohen, E., and Ali,
L., "Evaluation of Chlorines’ Impact on Biofilms on Damaged Stainless
Steel Surfaces," Bioresource Technology, 94, (3) 2004, 275-283.
- Schreuders, P.D., Nagoda, C., Lomander, A., Gipson, G., Rebar,
J., and Cheng X., "Creation of a Virtual Aquatic Mesocosm Using
STELLA®," Transactions of the ASAE, 47, (6), 2004, 2123-2135.
- Schreuders, P.D., Rutherford, B., Cox, K., Mannon, S., “Gender Differences in Biological Engineering Students,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Meeting. In press.
Other Articles
- Schreuders, P.D., Extracellular Matrix Within Dacron® Velour
Implants, Thesis, Department of Bioengineering, Clemson University,
- Schreuders, P.D., Development and Verification of a Kinetic
Model for Multicomponent Diffusion in Biological Systems, Dissertation,
Program in Biomedical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin,
- Cole, K.W., Schreuders, P.D., Mahowald, A.P., and Mazur, P.,
"Procedure for the Permeabilization and Cryobiological Preservation
of Drosophila Embryos," Oak Ridge National Laboratories,
Technical Manual #12394, (1993).
- Schreuders, P.D. and Cahoon, S. "How to Run a Happy and
Productive Kitchen"," Tournaments Illuminated, 110,
Spring, (1994).
- Ross, D.S. and Schreuders, P.D., "Fertilization Systems
— Use Them More Efficiently Through Calibration," The Free State
Nursery News, August, (1997), 32-37.
- Schreuders, P.D. and Townsend, P., Synergy: Biological Resources
Engineering Graduate Studies, (1997).
- Ross, D.S. and Schreuders, P.D., "Fertilization Systems
— Use Them More Efficiently Through Calibration," Biological Resources
Engineering Facts #190, August, (1997).
- Schreuders, P.D. "Graduate Manual," Biological Resources
Engineering Department, August, (1998).
- Schreuders, P.D., "Department of Biological Resources
Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park," Peterson’s
Graduate Program’s in Engineering and Applied Sciences, Peterson’s,
Princeton, New Jersey, (1998), pp. 360, 435-436, 536.
- Schreuders, P.D., "Department of Biological Resources
Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park," The AIMBE
Newsletter, (1998), 8.
- Edwards, K. and Schreuders, P.D., "Modeling of mass transfer
during cryopreservation," IBE News, (1999).
- Jones, T. and Schreuders, P.D., "Crayfish Respiration
in a Closed System," Journal of Undergraduate Research,
- Schreuders, P.D., Brannan, R., Chin, H., Jones-Quaidoo, S.,
Powell, S. "Bringing a Systems Approach to the Classroom Creating
a Self-sustaining Crayfish Habitat" Biological Resources Engineering
Facts #191, September (2000).
- Schreuders, P.D., "Striking Colors," The Bead
Release, viii, (2) (2002), 14.
- Schreuders, P.D., "Those Viscous Temperatures: Annealing,
Strain, Softening, and Working," The Bead Release, x, (1),
(2003), 14-15.
- Schreuders, P.D., "De Arte Vitraria - The Art of Glass,"(Book
Review) The Bead Release, x, (2), (2003) 24.
- Fu, Y., Schreuders, P.D., Lomander, A., Lee, S.J., "Biofilms:
What are They and Why are They of Concern?," IBE News, 8,
(1), (2004), 12-13.
Conference Proceedings
- Schreuders, P.D. and Diller, K., “Multicomponent Cell Membrane
Diffusion: A Kinetic Approach,” Digest of Papers, 7th Southern Biomedical
Engineering Conference, Greenville, SC, October 27 - 28, (1988),
- Okelo, P.O., Carr, L.E., Schreuders, P.D., Wheaton, F.W., Douglass,
L,W., Zimmermann, N., Wabeck, C.W., Byrd, V.E., and Harrison, P.C.,
“Effectiveness of Using Cool Roost, Cool and Carbonated Drinking Water
to Relieve Heat Stress in Broilers,” ASAE Annual International Meeting,
Orlando Florida, July 12 - 16, (1998).
- Lea-Cox, J.D., Teffeau, K.M., Ross, D.S., Schreuders, P.D.,
and Varley, E.N., “Web-Based Educational Programs for Water and Nutrient
Management Planning and Implementation,” Southern Nurserymen’s Association
Research Conference, 44:1 (1999), 279-282.
- Teffeau, K.M., Lea-Cox, J.D., Ross, D.S., Schreuders, P.D.,
and Varley, E.N., “Computer Use and Access by Maryland’s Nursery and
Greenhouse Crop Producers,” Southern Nurserymen’s Association Research
Conference, 44:1 (1999), 276-278.
- Su, X., Yingli Fu, Y., Becker, J., Schreuders, P.D., and Montas,
H., “Modeling Sequential Electron Acceptors in Bioremediation,” ASAE
Annual International Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, July 27 - 30, (2003).