Invited Talks
- Schreuders, P.D., "Cryopreservation of Drosophila melanogaster
embryos," Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., Des Moines, Iowa,
- Schreuders, P.D. and Mazur, P., "Vitrification Based Cryopreservation
of Drosophila Embryos," Cryogenic Engineering Conference/International
Cryogenic Materials Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, (1993).
- Schreuders, P.D., "Cryopreservation of Drosophila melanogaster
embryos," Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS,
- Ross, D.S. and Schreuders, P.D., "Fertilization Systems
- Use Them More Efficiently Through Calibration," Maryland NurserymenŐs
Association, June 27, (1997).
- Schreuders, P.D., "Cryopreservation of Striped Bass Spermatozoa,"
Striper 2000: Technological Advances in the Culture of Striped Bass
and its Hybrids, College Park, Maryland, June 6 - 7, (1998).
- Schreuders, P.D., "The Maryland Crayfish Project,"
Institute for Biological Engineering Annual Meeting, Sacramento, California,
July 28 - 31, (2001).
- Ali, L.H. and Schreuders, P.D., "Developing Collaborative
Efforts between the Food and Drug Agency and the University of Maryland,
Washington, DC, December 12, 2001.
- Schreuders, P.D., Lomander A., and Ali, L., "Quantification
of Bacterial Biofilms," Food and Drug Administration, College Park,
MD, July 10, 2002.
Contributed talks, etc.
- von Recum, A., Schreuders, P.D., and Powers, D. "Basic
Healing Phenomena Around Permanent Percutaneous Implants," International
Congress on Tissue Integration in Oral and Maxillo-Facial Reconstruction,
Brussels Belgium, May 22-24, (1985).
- von Recum, A., Schreuders, P.D., Yan, J., and Salthouse, T.,
"Extracellular Matrix Within Dacron Velour Implants," 12th
Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, May 29 to June 1, (1986).
- Schreuders, P.D., Aggarwal. S., Diller, K., and Baxter, C.,
"A Microscopic Diffusion Chamber for Measurement of the Osmotic
Properties of Individual Cells," Abstracts of Papers Presented
at the Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, June 22-26, 1987, Cryobiology, 24, (1987),
- Schreuders, P.D., Russ, J.C., Diller, K.R., and Paynter, H.M.,
"A Kinetic Model for Multicomponent Mass Transfer," 7th Southern
Biomedical Engineering Conference, Greenville, SC, (1988).
- Mazur, P., Cole, K.W., Schreuders, P.D., and Mahowald, A.P.,
"Confirmation of the Ability of Permeabilized 12-hr Drosophila
Embryos to Survive Cooling to -200°C," Cryo-1991, Society for
Cryobiology International Meeting, Leuven, Belgium, July 7-12, 1991,
Cryobiology, 28, (1991), 524-525.
- Mazur, P., Cole, K.W., Schreuders, P.D., and Mahowald, A.P.,
"Survival of Drosophila Embryos After Cooling to -200°C,"
Drosophila Research Conference, Genetics Society of America, Bethesda,
MD, (1992).
- Mazur, P., Cole, K.W., Schreuders, P.D., and Mahowald, A.P.,
"Relative Contribution of Cooling and Warming Rate to the Survival
of Drosophila Embryos Cooled to -205°C," Cryo-1992, Society
for Cryobiology International Meeting, Ithaca, NY, June 14-19, 1992,
Cryobiology, 29, (1992), 763.
- Schreuders, P.D., Mazur, P., and Sales, B., "Differential
Scanning Calorimetry of Drosophila Vitrification Processes," Cryo-1992,
Society for Cryobiology International Meeting, Ithaca, NY, June 14-19,
1992, Cryobiology, 29, (1992), 765.
- Schreuders, P.D. and Mazur, P., "Vitrification Based Cryopreservation
of Drosophila Embryos," Cryogenic Engineering Conference/International
Cryogenic Materials Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, (1993).
- Mazur, P., Schreuders, P.D., and Cole, K.W., "Injury to
Drosophila Embryos During the Removal of Ethylene Glycol Vitrification
Solution," Cryo-1993, Society for Cryobiology International Meeting,
Atlanta, GA, July 19-23, 1993, Cryobiology, 30, (1993), 618.
- Mazur, P., Cole, K.W., and Schreuders, P.D., "Exposure
to Ethylene Glycol Vitrification Solution Limits the Survival of Drosophila
Embryos Vitrified at the Optimum Developmental Stage," Cryo-1993,
Society for Cryobiology International Meeting, Atlanta, GA, July 19-23,
1993, Cryobiology, 30, (1993), 617-618.
- Schreuders, P.D., Kassis, J.N., and Mazur, P. "A Model
Describing the Kinetics of Water Loss in Drosophila melanogaster Embryos,"
Cryo-1994, Society for Cryobiology International Meeting, Kyoto, Japan,
August 21-27, 1994, Cryobiology, 31, (1994), 607.
- Schreuders, P.D., Mazur, P., Kassis, J.N, Schneider, U., and
Mahowald, A.P., "Effect of Dechorionation and Permeabilization
on the Rate of Dehydration in Drosophila melanogaster Embryos,"
Cryo-1994, Society for Cryobiology International Meeting, Kyoto, Japan,
August 21-27, 1994, Cryobiology, 31, (1994), 575-576.
- Mazur. P., Cole, K.W., Schreuders, P.D., Heimansohn, S. and
Valencia, M.d.P., "Chill Sensitivity of Embryos of the Malarial
Mosquito Anopheles gambiae: A Comparison With Drosophila," Cryo-1994,
Society for Cryobiology International Meeting, Kyoto, Japan, August
21-27, 1994, Cryobiology, 31, (1994), 574.
- Schreuders, P.D., Kassis, J.N., and Mazur, P., "A Kinetic
Model Describing Water Loss in Air-Dried Drosophila Embryos as a Function
of the Several Steps Involved in Permeabilization," International
Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, San Francisco, CA, November
12-17, (1995).
- Mazur, P., Cole, K., Schreuders, P.D., Valencia, M.d.P., and
Miller, L., "Challenges in the Cryobiological Preservation of Anopheles
gambiae Embryos," 1995 Vector Biology Network Scientific Institute,
Denver, CO, June 15-18, (1995).
- Mazur, P., Cole, K.W., Schreuders, P.D., and Heimansohn, S.,
"Chilling Sensitivity of Anopheles Embryos of Various Ages Between
+8ˇ and -20ˇC," Cryo-1996, Society for Cryobiology Annual Meeting,
Indianapolis, IN, August 17-21, 1996, Cryobiology, 33, (1996).
- Schreuders, P.D., Jetton, A.E., Baker, J.L., Critser, J.K.,
and Mazur, P., "Mechanical and Chill Sensitivity of Mouse Sperm,"
Cryo-1996, Society for Cryobiology Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN,
August 17-21, 1996, Cryobiology, 33, (1996).
- Schreuders, P.D., Smith, E.D., Cole, K.W., Valencia, M.-d.-P.,
Laughinghouse, A., and Mazur, P., "Temperature of Intraembryonic
Freezing in Anopheles Embryos of Various Ages," Cryo-1996, Society
for Cryobiology Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, August 17 - 21, 1996,
Cryobiology, 33, (1996).
- Kressin, M.D, Schreuders, P.D., and Mazur, P., "Effects
on motility and aster formation of mouse spermatozoa from a reduction
in oxygen concentration by Oxyrase, an Escherichia coli membrane preparation,
Cryo-1997, Society for Cryobiology Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain,
June 8 - 12, Cryobiology, 35, 353, (1997).
- Schreuders, P.D., "Practical Web Page Design for Engineering
Organizations," Northeast Agricultural/Biological Engineering Conference,
College Park, MD, June 13 - 16, (1997).
- Schreuders, P.D. and Johnson, A.T., "Sprints vs. Marathons:
Two Potential Structures for Assigning Engineering Design Projects,"
ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA, June 28 - July 1,
- Lea-Cox, J. D., Teffeau, K. M., Ross, D. S., and Schreuders, P.D.,
"Defining Nitrogen and Phosphorus Flows in Container Nursery Systems,"
Agricultural Phosphorus in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: Current Status
and Future Trends, Pennsylvania State University, PA, April 6 - 8, (1998).
- Mazur, P., Katkov, I.I., Schreuders, P.D., and Critser, J.K.,
"Influence of Mechanical Sensitivity, Glycerol Concentration, and
Oxygen Concentration on the Cryopreservation of Mouse Sperm: Background,"
Cryo-1998, Society for Cryobiology Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, July
11 - 16, (1998).
- Edwards, K. and Schreuders, P.D., "Some Osmotic Limitations
of Striped Bass Spermatozoa," Cryo-1998, Society for Cryobiology
Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, July 11 - 16, (1998).
- Lea-Cox, J.D., Teffeau, K.M., Ross, D.S., and Schreuders, P.D.,
"A Nutrient Management Program for the Nursery Industry,"
National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges Reception,
Capitol Hill, Washington, DC, May 19, (1998).
- Lea-Cox, J.D., Teffeau, K.M., Ross, D.S., Schreuders, P.D.
and Varley, E., "Nutrient Management Research and Education Programs
for the Nursery and Greenhouse Industry," Extension Nutrient Management
Update, National Wildlife Visitor Center, Laurel, MD, Sept 14, (1998).
- Lea-Cox, J.D., Teffeau, K.M., Ross, Schreuders, P.D., and Varley,
E., "Development of a WebCT Nutrient Management Training Program,"
Presentation to a Delegation from the Russian Federation Ministry of
Agriculture and Food, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, November
16, (1998).
- Schreuders, P.D., Lea-Cox, J, Ross, D. Teffeau, K.M., and Varley,
E., "A Web-Based Instructional System for Training Nutrient Applicators,"
Northeast Regional Teaching Workshop, Storrs, CT, Sept 10 - 12, (1998).
- Johnson, A. and Schreuders, P.D., "Bringing Life to Engineering:
Biological Engineering at the Graduate Level," Institute for Biological
Engineering, Charlotte, NC, (1999).
- Schreuders, P.D. and Johnson, A., "An Alternate Presentation
Method for Final Examinations," 106th ASEE Annual Conference &
Exposition, Charlotte, NC, June 20-23, (1999).
- Schreuders, P.D., Teffeau, K.M., Lea-Cox, J., Ross, D., and
Varley, K.E., "Extension Use of Web-Based Distance Education: Some
Considerations," 106th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition,
Charlotte, NC, June 20-23, (1999).
- Lea-Cox, J. D., Teffeau, K.M., Ross, D.S., and Schreuders, P.D.,
"Defining nitrogen and phosphorus flows in container nursery production,"
In: Agriculture and Phosphorus Management - The Chesapeake Bay, Lewis
Publishers, Boca Raton FL, 211-212, (1999).
- Lomander, A., Schreuders, P.D., and Ali, L.H., "The Development
of Methods for the Evaluation and Removal of Bacterial Biofilms,"
Northeast Agricultural/ Biological Engineering Conference, Lancaster,
PA, August 1-4, (1999).
- Rinko, L. and Schreuders, P.D., "The Effect of Temperature
on Denitrifying Biofilms," Northeast Agricultural/Biological Engineering
Conference, Lancaster, PA, August 1-4, (1999).
- Schreuders, P.D., Ross, D.S., Lea-Cox, J.D., Teffeau, K.M.,
and Varley, E., "Web-Based Distance Education for Training Nutrient
Applicators," Northeast Agricultural/Biological Engineering Conference,
Lancaster, PA, August 1-4, (1999).
- Varley, E.N., Ross, D.S., Lea-Cox, J.D., Teffeau, K.M. and Schreuders,
P.D., "Web-Based Instructional Systems for Water and Nutrient
Management Planning, for the Green Industries," Epsilon Sigma Phi
Fall Meeting, Brookside Gardens, MD, November 18, (1999).
- Lea-Cox, J. D., Ross, D.R., Teffeau, K.M., Varley, E. and Schreuders,
P.D., "Re-evaluation and Review of HORT 400: A Web-based Distance
Education Course for Water and Nutrient Management Planning," OIT/CTE
Teaching with Technology 8th Annual Conference University of Maryland,
College Park, MD, April 14, (2000).
- Lea-Cox, J. D., Varley, E.N., Ross, D.R., Teffeau, K.M., and Schreuders,
P.D., "Web-Course Redesign: Integrating Student, Faculty and
Peer Assessments," Web Initiative in Teaching Conference, 2000,
University of Maryland University College, Adelphi, MD, May 20, (2000).
- Schreuders, P.D. and Johnson, A., "Student work group
processes as examined by student questionnaires," 107th ASEE Annual
Conference & Exposition, St. Louis, MO, June 18-21, (2000).
- Schreuders, P.D., "An Enhanced Program of Biological Resources
Engineering Graduate Study at the University of Maryland," 107th
ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, St. Louis, MO, June 18-21,
- Rinko, L. and Schreuders, P.D., "The Effect of Temperature
on Nitrifying Biofilms," Northeast Agricultural/Biological Engineering
Conference, Ithaca, NY, July 30 - August 2, (2000).
- Lomander, A., Schreuders, P.D., and Ali, L.H., "Analytical
Techniques for the Evaluation of Biofilms on Food Processing Materials,"
Northeast Agricultural/ Biological Engineering Conference, Ithaca, NY,
July 30 - August 2, (2000).
- Schreuders, P.D., "Graphical software for systems modeling,"
Northeast Agricultural/Biological Engineering Conference, Ithaca, NY,
July 30 - August 2, (2000).
- Yang, N. and Schreuders, P.D., "Sperm motility analysis
by microscopy and Fourier analysis," Northeast Agricultural/Biological
Engineering Conference, Ithaca, NY, July 30 - August 2, (2000).
- Woods, III, L.C. Jenkins-Keeran, K., Edwards, K., and Schreuders,
P.D., "The effects of oxygen on the short term storage of striped
bass semen," Aquaculture 2001 Lake Buena Vista, FL, January 21
- 25, (2001) 701.
- Batac, A., Marshall, L., Nickerson, M., Smith, T., and Schreuders,
P.D., "GlucaGun: a simpler way to revive comatose diabetic
children," Undergraduate Research Day, University of Maryland,
College Park, MD, April 25, (2001).
- Lomander, A., and Schreuders, P.D., "Sanitation of Biofilms
from E. coli O157:H7 on Food Processing Materials," Northeast Agricultural/
Biological Engineering Conference, Guelph, ON, Canada, July 8 - 11,
- Schreuders, P.D. and Yang, N., "Multifluorophore Image
Analysis," Northeast Agricultural/ Biological Engineering Conference,
Guelph, ON, Canada, July 8 - 11, (2001).
- Schreuders, P.D., "A Living Laboratory: The Maryland Crayfish
Project," 108th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Albuquerque,
NM, June 24 - 27, (2001).
- Batac, A., Marshall, L., Nickerson, M., Smith, T., and Schreuders,
P.D., "The GlucaGun Auto-Injection Device," Annual Meeting
of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Durham, NC, October 4 - 7, (2001).
- Schreuders, P.D., Lomander, A., and Ali, L.H., "Morphological
Responses by Biofilms to Surface Defects Created in Stainless Steel,"
Annual Meeting of the Institute for Biological Engineering, Baton Rouge,
LA, (2002)
- Lomander, A., Ali, L.H., and Schreuders, P.D., "A Method
for Rapid Analysis of Biofilms on Glass and on Polished and Brushed
Stainless Steel," 2002 FDA Science Forum, Washington, DC, February
20 - 21, (2002).
- Batac, A., Marshall, L., Nickerson, M., Smith, T., and Schreuders,
P.D., "The GlucaGun Auto-Injection Device," 2002 FDA Science
Forum, Washington, DC, February 20 - 21, (2002).
- Schreuders, P.D. and Johnson, A.T., "The Wizard of BOD"
109th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Montreal, Canada, June
16 - 19, (2002).
- Schreuders, P.D. and Segovia, K., "A Hands-On Controls
Project for Biological Engineers," Annual Meeting of the Institute
for Biological Engineering, Athens, GA, (2003).
- Lee, S.J., Schreuders, P.D., Lomander, A., and Russek-Cohen,
E. "Quantification of Biofilm Structure on Different Surfaces and
After Treatment with Different Sanitizers," Annual Meeting of the
Institute for Biological Engineering, Athens, GA, (2003).
- Fu, Y and Schreuders, P.D., "Confocal Imaging and 3D Image
Reconstruction of Microbial Biofilms on Lettuce," Annual Meeting
of the Institute for Biological Engineering, Athens, GA, (2003).
- Schreuders, P.D., "The Race for the Lunch Line and Other
Stories: Lego Based Controls Projects for Biological Engineering,"
110th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Nashville, TN, June 22
- 25, (2003).
- Johnson, A.T. and Schreuders, P.D., "Teaching Biological
Responses to Engineers," 110th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition,
Nashville, TN, June 22 - 25, (2003).
- Schreuders, P.D., "Graphical programming languages for
simulation in biological engineering; a comparison between Simulink®
and Stella®,"111th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt
Lake City, UT, June 20 - 23, (2004).